English version

The Knowledge by Simulation: the Imagination Assisted by Computers

By Jonatan Rafael 
            When Descartes (2008) told us at 1637 that the act of read fiction was the same of meeting ancient nobles and it stimulates the imagination of strange trips and experiences he couldn’t realize that about four centuries later everything he said would be possible through an intricate network of machines which are able to simulate an universe in parallel.
            Usually, we use the same process described for René Descartes, however, instead of books we handle computers, smartphones, tablets or another digital mean which allows an electronic mediation between information and receptor. Then, we can say we don’t acquire the knowledge by practice or theorize it but for simulation and this process is described by Lévy (2010) as "the imagination assisted by computers".
            Initially, the simulation of real was only escape and freedom and it was stereotyped through videogames but after information science progress the computers became part of system which created an “universe in parallel”.
            Little by little - with a phenomenon called by Mcluhan as “electric revolution" – the digital means of communication have become popular and were updated. All over the world schools bought computers to help in the learning process and gave direction about how to use a pc for their pupils. Nonetheless, they need to be present – physically – at school. The internet connection wasn’t used as an instrument of teaching yet.
            Ever since the information memory replaced the experience and it needed the act of making an action to get how something works. We are able to say that the information memory is focused on the process of teaching and its own speed. So, when the speed of teaching and learning is the main subject it's possible to figure out that a source send a information using an associative way, it means, the subject takes the receptor to another related subject and so on (BUSH, 1945).
            Thus, we are able to say that only the meanings worth it and that is way so many graphic interferences are present nowadays in webpages. Well, this phenomenon was entitled by Pierre Lévy (2010) as “the decay of the truth”.  After all, we can see that those interferences are a kind of interpretation with the only intention of facilitate interpretations before it so hard.

BUSH, Vannevar. As we may think. 1945. Disponível em: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1945/07/as-we-may-think/3881/. Acesso em 25/09/2011.
DESCARTES, René. Discurso sobre o método. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2008.
LÉVY, Pierre. As tecnologias da inteligência: o futuro do pensamento na era da informática. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. 34, 2010.
MCLUHAN, Marshall. Os meios de comunicação como extensão do homem. São Paulo: Cultrix, 2007.
SJANNON, C. E.. A Mathematical theory of communication.1948. Disponível em http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/ms/what/shannonday/shannon1948.pdf. Acesso em 25/09/2011.